【学术报告】Universally optimal verification of entangled states with nondemolition measurements
发布时间:2021-06-08   浏览次数:0

主 讲 人:刘烨超    博士


地  点:腾讯会议(会议 ID:464 865 437 会议密码:1234)


The efficient and reliablecharacterization of quantum states plays a vital role in most, if not all,quantum information processing tasks. In this work, we present a universallyoptimal protocol for verifying entangled states by employing the so-calledquantum nondemolition measurements, such that the verification efficiency is equivalentto that of the optimal global strategy. Instead of being probabilistic as thestandard verification strategies, our protocol is constructed sequentially,which is thus more favorable for experimental realizations. In addition, thetarget states are preserved in the protocol after each measurement, so can bereused in any subsequent tasks. We demonstrate the power of our protocol forthe optimal verification of Bell states, arbitrary two-qubit pure states, andstabilizer states. We also prove that our protocol is able to perform tasksincluding fidelity estimation and state preparation.

Ref: Y.­C. Liu, J. Shang, R. Han, and X. Zhang, Phys.Rev. Lett. 126, 090504 (2021).


刘烨超博士,2016年本科毕业于北京理工大学物理学院应用物理系并获得理学学士学位,之后在北京理工大学物理学院直接攻读博士学位并于2021年6月获得博士学位。已在包括Phys. Rev. Lett.,Phys. Rev. Applied,Phys. Rev. A等学术期刊上发表论文五篇。目前担任SCI期刊Int. J. Quantum Inf.的审稿人。