发布时间:2021-06-09   浏览次数:0

DSCN0175崔文元,教授,中科院国家天文台天体物理专业博士,博士生导师,国务特殊津贴专家、河北省“三三三”人才工程一层次专家,北京天文学会副理事长,国际天文学会会员,中国天文学会会员,LAMOST Fellow,河北省首批青年拔尖人才,河北省杰出青年基金获得者,河北省高等学校百名优秀创新人才,德国海德堡大学高级访问学者,河北省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师(2014/2015, 2015/2016, 2017/2018),河北省自然科学奖三等奖第一完成人。




  1. 1. 2019.10-2024.09参加国家重点研发计划“基于LAMOST巡天的银河系研究”

  2. 2. 2022.01-2025.12 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于LAMOST光谱库的贫金属碳增丰恒星(CEMP)搜寻及相关中子俘获元素起源的研究”(12173013)

  3. 3. 2018.01-2021.12 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“中子俘获元素增丰恒星中的同位素丰度比研究”(11773009)

  4. 4. 2017.01-2017.12 主持国家自然科学基金项目“基于Ba、Eu的同位素丰度比研究银河系的中子俘获核合成”(11643007)

  5. 5. 2013.01-2015.12 主持国家自然科学基金联合面上项目“利用郭守敬望远镜银河系巡天获得的低分辨率红团簇巨星光谱大样本研究银盘的演化历史”(U1231119)

  6. 6. 2011.01-2013.12 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目“AGB星s-过程和相关轻元素核合成的内在物理关系研究”(11003002)

  7. 7. 2009.01-2009.12 主持国家自然科学基金项目“特殊贫金属星重元素丰度分布及其形成机制探究”(10847119)

  8. 8. 2014.01-2019.12 获得河北省人才项目“河北省首批青年拔尖人才”连续两期资助

  9. 9. 2011.01-2013.12 主持河北省杰出青年基金项目“贫金属AGB星元素核合成研究”(A2011205102)

  10. 10. 2013.05-2015.04,主持中国博士后基金面上项目“极贫金属星重元素丰度分布探究”(2013M531587)

  11. 11. 2010.01-2012.12 主持河北省教育厅人才项目“河北省高校百名优秀创新人才支持计划” (CPRC034)

  12. 12. 2009.01-2011.12 主持河北省自然科学基金项目“极贫金属星重元素丰度分布及其形成机制探究”(A2009000251)

  13. 13. 2008.01-2009.07 主持河北省教育厅自然科学基金项目“贫金属星中子俘获元素丰度分布及来源探究”(2008127)


  1. 1. 根据郭守敬望远镜(LAMOST,大天区面积多目标光纤光谱天文望远镜)获取的光谱巡天数据建立了一个统一的、高纯度的碳星样本。相关成果以“Carbon stars from LAMOST DR2 data”为题发表在国际顶尖天文学期刊ApJS(2016, 226:1, doi:10.3847/0067-0049/226/1/1),期刊2015年度影响因子为11.257,近5年平均影响因子为13.261。目前,该星表已被欧洲南方天文台开展的SDSS III (APOGEE: Probing the Evolution of  the Milky Way) 巡天项目用作基础输入星表。该成果已被《中国科学院重大科技基础设施成果汇编(2016)》(中国科学院条件保障与财务局设施管理办公室编)收录、被《天文学十年:中国与世界》(国家自然科学基金委政策局软课题成果:学科发展态势评估系列研究报告,中国科学院文献情报中心课题组编)作为中国大科学装置—LAMOST望远镜的重要成果收录,同时获得河北日报(头版)等新闻媒体广泛报道。

  2. 2. 成功解释了一颗Ba、Eu双增丰极端贫金属星的中子俘获元素来源,相关成果发表在国际著名天体物理期刊ApJ(2010, 708: 51-57)上,获得2010年度校级优秀论文。

  3. 3. 成功给出了一颗极端贫金属恒星的Sr、Eu等中子俘获元素异常的物理机制,相关成果发表在国际著名天体物理期刊ApJ(2007,  657: 1037-1041)上,获得2007年度校级优秀论文。

  4. 4. “富碳恒星证认及元素丰度分解研究”2020年获河北省自然科学奖三等奖。



  1. 1. 高分辨率光谱分析:通过确定重元素的同位素比例研究中子俘获元素异常恒星的形成机制;研究银河系早期重元素形成的r/s之争。

  2. 2. 低分辨率光谱分析:基于元素丰度分布研究银晕和银盘的结构、形成和演化历史

  3. 3. 银河系考古:搜寻、研究形成于银河系早期的低金属丰度恒星




1. 第一作者或责任作者论文


Yongkang Sun, Zhenghao Cheng, Ruobin Ding, Yijiang  Peng, Shuo Ye, Jiawen Zhang, Zhenyan Huo, Wenyuan Cui*, Xiaofeng Wang,  Jianrong Shi, Jie Lin, Chengyuan Wu, Lilin Li, Shuai Feng, Yang Yu, Xiaoran Ma,  Xin Li, Cheng Liu, Ziping Zhang, Zhenzhen Shao

A catalogue of 323 cataclysmic variables from  LAMOST DR6,

The Astrophysical Journal Supplement  Series, 2021, 257, 65, JCR 1区TOP


Yu Yang, Wang Haifeng, Cui Wenyuan*, Li  Linlin, Liu Chao, Zhang Bo, Tian Hao, Huo Zhenyan, Ju Jie, Liu Zhicun, Wen  Fang, Feng Shuai,

The flare  and warp of the young stellar disk traced with LAMOST DR5 OB-type stars,

The  Astrophysical Journal, 2021, 922, 80, JCR21区TOP


Liu Zhicun, Cui Wenyuan*, Liu Chao*, Huang Yang, Zhao Gang, Zhang Bo

A Catalog of OB Stars from LAMOST  Spectroscopic Survey

The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2019, 241: 32


Cui Wenyuan*, Jiang  Xiaohua, Shi Jianrong, Zhao Gang, and Zhang Bo

The Odd  Isotope Fractions of Barium in the Strongly r-process-enhanced (r-II) Star

The Astrophysical Journal, 2018, 854: 131


Ji Wei, Cui Wenyuan*, Liu  Chao*, Luo Ali, Zhao Gang, Zhang Bo

Carbon stars from LAMOST DR2 data

The Astrophysical  Journal Supplement Series, 2016, 226: 1


Meng Xiaoying, Cui Wenyuan*,  Shi Jianrong, Jiang Xiaohua, Zhao Gang, Zhang Bo, Li Ji

The  odd-isotope fractions of barium in CEMP-r/s star HE 0338-3945 and r-II star CS   31082-001

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016, 593: A62


Cui Wenyuan,  Zhang Bo, Shi Jianrong, Zhao Gang, Wang Wenjun, Niu Ping

Possible  discovery of the r-process characteristics in the abundances of metal-rich  barium stars Astronomy & Astrophysics,  2014, 566: A16


Cui Wenyuan,  Zhang Bo, Zhao Gang

Investigating  the abundance enrichment pattern of heavy elements in the only observed  CEMP-r/s star J004441.04-732136.4 of the SMC

Science China Physics, Mechanics &  Astonomy, 2014,  57: 1201-1205


W.Y. Cui,  C Liu, P. de Laverny, A. Recio-Blanco, G. Van de Ven

The mixed  origin of the Galactic thick disk

IAUS 298  Setting the scence for Gaia and LAMOST, Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 298,  2014, Lijiang, China, 2013.5.20-2013.5.24


Cui W. Y.,  Sivarani, T., Christlieb, N.

The  Hamburg/ESO R-process Enhanced Star survey (HERES) VIII. The r+s star HE  1405−0822

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2013, 558: A36


Cui Wenyuan,  Shi Jianrong, Geng Yuanyuan, Zhang Caixia, Meng Xiaoying, Shao Lang, Zhang Bo

The study  of s-process nucleosynthesis based on barium stars, CEMP-s and CEMP-r/s stars

Astrophysics and Space Science, 2013, 346: 477-492


Cui Wenyuan,  Zhang Jiang, Zhu Zizhong, Zhang Bo

Investigation  for the enrichment pattern of the element abundances in r+s star HE 0338-3945:  a special r-II star?

The Astrophysical Journal, 2010, 708: 51-57


Wenyuan  Cui, Bo Zhang, Yamin Quan, Guide Zhou,  Yanping Chen

Orbital  elements of the mild and strong barium stars formed through a wind accretion  scenario

Astrophysics  and Space Science, 2008, 314: 351-359


Cui Wenyuan,  Zhang Bo, Ma Kun, Zhang Lu

Investigation  of the puzzling abundance pattern of the neutron-capture elements in the  ultra-metal-poor star CS 30322-023

The Astrophysical Journal, 2007, 657: 1037-1041


Wenyuan  Cui, Weijuan Zhang, Bo Zhang

Evolution  of the Distribution of Neutron Exposures in the Galaxy Disc: an Analytical  Model

Journal  of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2007,  28: 55-66


Cui Wenyuan,  Cui Dongnuan, Du Yunshuang, Zhang Bo

Neutron-capture  elements in the double-enhanced star HE 1305-0007: a new s- and r-process  paradigm

Chinese Physics Letters, 2007, 24: 1417-1420


Cui Wenyuan,  Zhang Fenghua, Zhang Weijuan, Zhang Lu, Zhang Bo

Distributions  of neutron exposures in AGB stars and the galaxy

Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2007, 7: 224-234


Cui Wenyuan,  Zhang Bo

The  origin of the lead-rich stars in the Galactic Halo: investigation of the model  parameters for the s-process

Monthly  Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2006,  368: 305-309

2. 合作论文


Maosheng Xiang, Hans-Walter Rix, Yuan-Sen Ting, Eleonora Zari, Kareem El-Badry,  Hai-Bo Yuan, Wen-Yuan Cui

Data-driven  Spectroscopic Estimates of Absolute Magnitude, Distance, and Binarity: Method  and Catalog of 16,002 O- and B-type Stars from LAMOST

The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2021, 253: 22


H.-F. Wang , Y. Huang, H.-W. Zhang, M. López-Corredoira, W.-Y. Cui,  B.-Q. Chen, R. Guo, J. Chang

Diagonal  Ridge Pattern of Different Age Populations Found in Gaia-DR2 with LAMOST  Main-sequence Turnoff and OB-type Stars

The Astrophysical Journal, 2020, 902: 70


Wan-Qiang Han, Lu Zhang, Guo-Chao Yang, Wen-Yuan  Cui, Fang Wen , Bo Zhang

Study of  the puzzling abundance pattern of the neutron-capture elements in LMC star  J053253.51–695915.1

Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2020, 20: 59


Cheng Xinlun, Liu Chao, Mao Shude, Cui Wenyuan

Ripple Patterns in In-plane  Velocities of OB Stars from LAMOST and Gaia

The Astrophysical Journal  Letters, 2019, 872: L1


Guochao Yang, Hongjie Li, Nian Liu, Lu Zhang, Wenyuan Cui, Yanchun Liang, Ping Niu1, Bo Zhang

Formation  of the Abundance Boundaries of the Heavier Neutron-capture Elements in  Metal-poor Stars

Publications of the Astronomical Society of  the Pacific, 2017, 129: 064201


Yang Guochao, Li Hongjie, Liu Nian, Cui Wenyuan, Liang Yanchun, Zhang Bo

Footprints  of the weak s-process in the carbon-enhanced metal-poor star ET0097

Astrophysics and Space Science, 2016, 361: 317


Niu Ping, Cui  Wenyuan, Zhang Bo

Study of  the element abundances in HD 140283: the abundance robustness of the weak r-and  main r-process stars

The Astrophysical Journal, 2015, 813: 1-9


Niu Ping, Cui  Wenyuan, Zhang Bo, Xie Geying

Astrophysical  Origins for the Unusual Chemical Abundance of the Globular Cluster Palomar 1

Publications of the Astronomical Society of  the Pacific,  2015, 127: 51-57


Liu Chao, Cui  Wenyuan, Zhang Bo, Wan Junchen, Deng Licai, Hou Yonghui, Wang Yuefei, Yang  Ming, Zhang Yong

Spectral  classification of stars based on LAMOST spectra

Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2015, 15: 1137-1153


Wan Junchen, Liu Chao, Deng Licai, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Yong, Hou Yonghui,  Yang Ming, Wu, Yue

Red clump  stars from the LAMOST data I: identification and distance

Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2015, 15: 1166-1181


Niu Ping, Liu Weili, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo

Is  germanium (Ge, Z = 32) a neutron-capture element?

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical  Society, 2014,  443: 2426-2435


Li Hongjie, Ma Wenjuan, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo

Estimating  r-Process Yields from Abundances of the Metal-Poor Stars

Publications of the Astronomical Society of  the Pacific,  2014, 126: 544-552


Li Hongjie, Cui  Wenyuan, Zhang Bo

Investigation  of the puzzling abundance pattern in the stars of the fornax dwarf spheroidal  galaxy

The Astrophysical Journal, 2013, 775: 1-12


Li Hongjie, Shen Xiaojing, Liang Shuai, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo

Study of  Neutron-Capture Element Abundances in Metal-Poor Stars

Publications of the Astronomical Society of  the Pacific, 2013,  125: 143-153


Li Hongjie, Liang Shuai, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo

Study of  the Abundance Patterns in the Metal-Poor Stellar Stream

Publications of the Astronomical Society of  Australia, 2013,  30: e015  


Shen Xiaojing, Zhang Bo, Li Hongjie, Liang Shuai, Cui Wenyuan

An explanation  of the correlations of abundance ratio between neutron-capture elements and  iron group elements in Ba stars

Astrophysics and Space Science, 2013, 343: 541-554


Zhang Jiang, Zhao Fang, Chen Yanping, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo

Puzzling  Origin of CEMP-r/s Stars: An Interpretation of Abundance and Enrichment of s-  and r-Process Elements from Asymptotic Giant Branch Supernovae

Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 2013, 34: 373-391


Zhang Fenghua, Zhou Guide, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo

Calculating  Method and Characteristics of the Distribution of Neutron Exposures in the  Radiative s-process Nucleosynthesis Model for AGB Stars

Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2013, 37: 405-417


C Liu, F Yang, L Deng, Y Xu, W Cui

The identification  of K giant stars in LAMOST pilot survey

IAUS 298  Setting the scence for Gaia and LAMOST, Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 298,  2014, Lijiang, China, 2013.5.20-2013.5.24


Yang Guochao, Liang Yanchun, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo

Abundance  analysis of barium stars

IAUS 298  Setting the scence for Gaia and LAMOST, Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 298,  2014, Lijiang, China, 2013.5.20-2013.5.24


Liang Shuai, Li Hongjie, Shen Xiaojing, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo

Abundance  Analysis of r+s Stars: r-Process Abundance Comparison between r+s Stars and  r-rich Stars

Publications of the Astronomical Society of  the Pacific,  2012, 124: 304-315


Zhang Jiang, Cui  Wenyuan, Zhang Bo

Study of  isotopic fractions and abundances of the neutron-capture elements in HD 175305

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical  Society, 2010,  402: 956-960


Jiang Zhang, Wenyuan Cui, Bo  Zhang

A  Holistic Abundance Analysis to r-rich Stars

Monthly  Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2010,  409: 1068-1076


Cui Dongnuan, Geng Yuanyuan, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo

Mass Fraction  of 13C-Pocket in Metal-Poor AGB Stars and the Primary Nature of  Neutron Source

Chinese Physics Letters, 2009, 26: 039701


Kun Ma, Wenyuan Cui, Bo Zhang

Investigation  of the single neutron exposure model for the s-process: the primary nature of the  neutron source

Monthly  Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2007,  375: 1418-1422


Chen Zhe, Zhang Jiang, Chen Yanping, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo

The  yields of r-process elements and chemical evolution of the galaxy

Astrophysics and Space Science, 2006, 306: 33-39