主 讲 人 :马衍东 教授
地 点 :理科群2号楼A408
Topological spin structures are magnetic quasi-particles exhibiting a whirling spin structure, which have been a prominent topic of condensed matter physics since the first experimental observations of skyrmion lattices in bulk non-centrosymmetric magnet MnSi and thin film Fe0.5Co0.5Si. They can be characterized by spins wrapping a unit sphere, carrying an integer topological charge Q that cannot be changed by a continuous transformation of magnetization. Such topological properties ensure the inherent stability which makes them technologically appealing to be used in future spintronics for information storage and processing. Recently, with the discovery of ferromagnetism in two-dimensional lattice, exploiting topological spin structures in two-dimensional magnetic crystals is at the frontiers of condensed matter physics and material science. In this talk, I will introduce our recent works in this field.
马衍东,山东大学物理学院教授,博士生导师。主要从事二维磁性自旋性质及其与能谷、拓扑等性质耦合的理论研究。近年来,累计发表IF>10的SCI论文48篇,PR系列31篇,APL 17篇,SCI总被引13000余次,H因子57。2021-2024连续4年入选(物理类)爱思唯尔中国高被引学者榜单。研究成果获山东省自然科学二等奖1项、教育部自然科学二等奖1项。